how to use a dildo on my wife
05.03.2023 | ComPanionX-Sex Dolls |

Congrats on your purchase! Here’s how to use it…

The dildo motto: Patience, practice, and communication.

Get to know your toy… intimately

Planning to strap the harness on for partnered play?

Sloane recommends walking/dancing/prancing around the house with it to get used to the way it moves, its heft, and how it responds to your body.

“Masturbating while strapped on can be hot, in addition to helping you learn how the toy reacts to your thrusts, rocks, and movement,” says Sloane.

Communicate, communicate, and communicate

“A dildo doesn’t have nerve endings,” says Finn. Meaning, the wearer won’t be able to feel exactly how deep they are (or even when/if they slip out).

Your move = check in constantly! You might say:

  • “I’m going to let you pull me in as deep as you want me. When you’re there, tell me.”
  • “Does this rhythm feel good? Do you want me deeper or more shallow?”
  • “Do you prefer faster or slower thrusts?”
  • “How does this feel for you?”
  • “Do you want to use your vibrator/masturbation sleeve on yourself?”

Play around with position

The position that works best will depend on whether you’re wearing the dildo and what sex acts you’re planning to use it for.

For partnered play, positions that allow the receiving partner to direct the depth and rhythm are best. Think: rider on top, reverse rider, or doggy style.

“It may take some trial and error to find a configuration that works best for you,” says Sloane. If you don’t get it ~just right~ the first time, don’t fret!

FYI, dildos can be a vector for STIs

Pegging and strap-on sex (of all kinds) are considered a low-risk activity, but that doesn’t mean sexually transmitted infections are impossible.

If your partner has an STI, you use the dildo on/in them, and then use the dildo on/in yourself without washing it first, STI transmission can occur.

Clean it before putting it away

Why? Potential infection.

“Even if you’re the only one ever planning on using this dildo, you want to wash it between uses to keep from introducing bacteria to your body that could cause bacterial infections, yeast infections, [or] UTIs,” says Finn.

A silicone, glass, or stainless steel dildo can be completely cleaned with warm water and fragrance-free soap.

Also, dry it!